Tuesday, March 8, 2011


This is my first blog post about the new Fairborn Eco Spot that I have created. I currently teach 9th grade Biology and Advanced Biology at Fairborn High School. I hope to be able to share information with community members about different eco-friendly activities available in the community as well as findings my students and I have made about our surroundings during investigations! I will also share answers to questions my students have asked in class that I don't always have the time to answer in class! 


  1. Hey Mrs.Bell its Elijah, for the experiment of growing plants without sunlight, i think we should get some pre grown plants and seed so we can see how their pigments change from no sunlight and how they grow with with out sun light ( color wise )

  2. That sounds like a great idea. We have some radish seeds in my room, but maybe we'll pick a different plant (like tomato) that we can buy some plants at the store and start some from seed to see the different impact it makes!
